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2016年09月19日    来源: 自考365整理   字体:   打印

The Challenge of Immigration


There are many reasons why someone leaves his or her homeland to live in another country. For some, the decision is economic; they believe that they may have better opportunities to make more money in another place. For others, the motivation is adventure, wanting to try something very different in life. Still others immigrate to a new country because they think that the values of that country might better suit their own ideals.


People who emigrate for financial reasons are often misguided. They may have heard fanciful stories of untold riches, but it is seldom so easy. If it were, the people in the country to which they wanted to move would all be earning multimillions. People who immigrate to a new country should expect to work hard, probably much harder than they would have had to work in their home country.


In some cases, people have had little or no choice of whether or not to emigrate. During the Irish potato famine, for example, millions of impoverished and destitute Irish saw emigration as an option or staying on the brink of starvation and death at home. Most made difficult and dangerous boat trips to America, where they were generally hired to do dirty work at rates much lower than other Americans. Such discrimination and poor treatment of immigrants is an all too common story throughout history.


Also, many immigrants may find that their skills are not appreciated. Many doctors, lawyers, and engineers from countries such as Vietnam or Pakistan have found that once they leave their homeland, their credentials are worthless. They simply did not meet the standards of the new country. Subsequently, they wind up sweeping floors or working as night watchmen at the same kinds of offices they might once have filled. The feeling of being a second-class citizen is both insulting and depressing.


Others may find that their language skills (or lack of it) stop them from being accepted both in the workplace and socially. People who move to another country as a sense of adventure might not care about this, but time spent leaning a new language to become bilingual will probably take away time they could spend earning enough to live a decent life. Too often, immigrants to a multicultural country may feel out of place and end up in a small community of their fellow immigrants and fail to embrace the opportunities and advantages of their new homeland.


People may not like conditions in their own country and decide to leave.


During the Vietnam War, thousands of young American men left their country to move to Canada, hoping to avoid serving in what they viewed as a senseless conflict. These men cut themselves off from friends and family, unable to return to their homeland.


People who immigrate often do so in the hope of a better future for their children and a higher standard of living. But, too often, the sacrifices of the parents are not really appreciated by the children who grow up pampered in a new society.


Still, despite all the obstacles, people do immigrate, especially to growing nations such as Australia, Canada, and the United States. Throughout their short histories, these countries have been built by waves of immigration of farmers, factory workers, and trades people who escaped starvation or war in their respective homelands. A few, within a generation or two, became prosperous beyond their wildest dreams. Many countries continue to depend on immigrant labor to bring in workers not just for menial jobs, but also for new ideas and high-tech skills. Indian computer programmers, for example, are in great demand around the world.


Immigration often raises concerns in the country that immigrants hope to make their new homes. There are often insecure feelings over jobs, with some thinking so that each new immigrant encroaches on the wealth shared by those already there. But immigrants often bring great wealth into a country, making' it more productive and acting as consumers for goods and services.


Similarly, people may find a new wave of' immigrants too foreign, not sharing in the same societal values, ideals, and customs as others in the new homeland. But these things quickly change with compromise and discoveries of delight on both sides. At the beginning of the Indian immigration in England, people found their food shockingly odd; it was so different from the traditional bland British diet. But today, Indian food has surpassed even the traditional British fish and chips as the most popular cuisine in Britain.


For whatever reason a person immigrates, he takes to his new country something more valuable than skills or a willingness to work-courage. It takes great courage for someone to take the initiative to make the difficult decision to leave the familiar behind and embark on a new life and to carve out a new future for themselves and their family. Such courage among its citizens is a lasting benefit to any country.



