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2016年09月19日    来源: 自考365整理   字体:   打印

The Curious Tourist


The number one industry in the world is not making computers or cars or clothes. It's tourism. More money is spent on tourism, internationally, than on any other product or service. For someone living two or three hundred years ago, this would come as an enormous surprise. Why? It's because travel was once far more exotic and dangerous than it is today. Most people grew up, worked, married, had families, and died within a few kilometers of where they were born. They either struggled so much to take care of life's daily necessities or simply didn't expect to find anything new or interesting beyond the next hill.


The advent of travel really began during the early 1800s. At this time, both restaurants and hotels began to cater to the curious who were lured to see for themselves the splendors of other countries. Europeans, in particular, began to use their wealth to take extended vacations seeing first-hand the history and culture of their continent. In time, this evolved into what became known as "The Grand Tour." The Grand Tour was a loose itinerary of European capitals with a focus on galleries, museums, significant cathedrals, and other public buildings as well as picturesque landscapes. On such tours, the sons of the wealthy would complete their educations, often aided by a history teacher who traveled along with them, perhaps instructing them in a foreign language or two.


In time, as a middle class emerged in Europe, common people wanted to go exploring in the footsteps of the privileged aristocrats--but without going to the same expense of hauling extensive trunks in personal carriages and lackeys to take care of it all. The era of budget travel was born. Pioneers such as England's


Thomas Cook chartered the newly invented trains to take Londoners to a seaside resort for a day or two. He and others expanded such services to farther and farther destinations by boat as well. In time, buses and aircraft carried the curious around the world.


But today, in an age where foreign places are brought into our homes through magazines, picture books, and television shows, why do people travel? What do they see and do when they get there? What impact do they have on the countries to which they travel?


People travel today for a myriad of reasons, mostly to be entertained or perhaps to escape to some notion of luxury. No one knows this better than cruise liners who pamper their guests with attention, excessive food and liquor, and lavish entertainment, the magnitude of which would surprise even royalty of a century ago. Other travelers go in the opposite direction, seeking to experience the true lives of those less fortunate, such as peasants who still cling to traditional cultural practices. Studying the foreign language and then climbing remote mountain passes under a heavy backpack to eat ethnic food from less than sanitary bowls may not be everyone's fancy, but it makes some people feel that they have somehow lived life more fully. Still others go to something in between, traveling to countries where traditional customs and ceremonies are artificially acted out in clinical theme-park-likes settings. They come away with a sense of foreign experience without the hassle of having put in too much effort.


When people travel, they often see only what they want to see. If they take a picture of a beach, they carefully move the camera so as not to include other tourists or garbage. They will photograph someone dressed in traditional costume, but only when that person has put away her nlOdem portable phone. They may like to sample the local food, but only in the safety of a hotel restaurant. What is often lacking is a chance to meet and learn from local people.


A failure to understand the concerns of local people often has a negative impact on their lives. Farmers may have given up their livelihoods to sell their land for the construction of golf courses that destroy the local environment with pesticides. Craftsmen who once had an important social status creating useful articles for the community may find themselves reduced to producing tourist trinkets. Performers of traditional dances and art forms may find themselves on stage each night for a detached audience who want no more than a memento photograph and a chance to say they'd seen something different.


The curious tourists should remember that they help a community if done with sensitivity, but can destroy it if done for the wrong reasons.



