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2012年08月14日    来源: 网络   字体:   打印

  Part of Britain

  I. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statements or answers the question.

  1. The United Kingdom is located in ____.

  A. northern Europe

  B. western Europe

  C. northwestern Europe

  D. southeastern Europe

  2. The two large islands that make up the British Isles are ____.

  A. Scotland and Ireland

  B. Britain and Scotland

  C. Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  D. Great Britain and Ireland

  3. The British Empire was replaced by the British Commonwealth or the Commonwealth of Nations in ____.

  A. 1921

  B. 1931

  C. 1945

  D. 1950

  4. The Commonwealth of Nations is an association of independent countries ____.

  A. that were once colonies of Britain

  B. that have a large number of British immigrants

  C. that have close relations with Britain

  D. that have fought on the side of Britain in the two world wars

  5. The English Channel separates the island of Great Britain from ____.

  A. Denmark

  B. Belgium

  C. France

  D. the Netherlands

  6. England has three main land regions. They are the Southwestern Plateau,the Pennines,and ___.

  A. the Eastern Plain

  B. the Highland

  C. the Central Lowlands

  D. the Southern Uplands

  7. Scotland occupies the ____ third of the island of Great Britain in theBritish Isles.

  A. southern

  B. northern

  C. eastern

  D. western

  8. Northern Ireland,which takes up the northern fifth of Ireland,is a fourth political division of ____.

  A. the United Kingdom

  B. Ireland

  C. Scotland

  D. Wales

  9. Britain's longest rivers are ____.

  A. the Severn and the Clyde

  B. the Thames and the Clyde

  C. the Clyde and the Humber

  D. the Severn and the Thames

  10. The largest lake in the British Isles is ____.

  A. Loch Lomond

  B. Loch Neagh

  C. Windermere

  D. Ullswater

  11. Britain's climate is influenced by____,a warm ocean current that passes the western coast of the British Isles and warms them.

  A. the North Atlantic Drift

  B. the Brazil Current

  C. the Labrador Current

  D. the Falkland Current

  12. The English people and the English language were born from the union of ____.

  A. the Angles and the Saxons

  B. Germanic conquerors and the Norman French

  C. Danes or Vikings and the Norman French

  D. Norman conquerors and the defeated Anglo-Saxons

  13. Generally speaking the English southerners speak the type of English closer to ____.

  A. the Cockney

  B. the Queen's English

  C. the Gaelic

  D. the BBC English

  14. Although Wales has been united with England for more than 400 years,the Welsh has kept alive ____.

  A. their own language

  B. their own literature

  C. their own tradition

  D. All of the above

  15. The Eisteddfod is a(n)____ festival of poetry,music and other arts.

  A. English

  B. Scottish

  C. Welsh

  D. Irish

  16. Nowadays the Gaelic language,which is an ancient____,is still heard inthe Highlands and the Western Isles.

  A. Scottish language

  B. English language

  C. Irish language

  D. Celtic language

  17. Many Scottish names begin with M',Mc or Mac,which means__.

  A. father of

  B. sun of

  C. son of

  D. some of

  18. In Northern Ireland ____ make up the dominant group.

  A. Roman Catholics

  B. English Protestants

  C. non-religious people

  D. Jewish people

  19. Northern Ireland is small,but it is significant because of the__.

  A. the economic problems

  B. the political troubles

  C. the immigration issues

  D. the national identity

  20. About three million people have migrated to Britain since World War ll. They are mainly from the West Indies, India and____.

    A. Indonesia

  B. Singapore

  C. Hong Kong

  D. Pakistan

  key 1.C  2.D  3.B  4.A  5.C  6.A  7.B  8.A  9.D  10.B 11.A 12.D  13.D  14.D  15.C  16.D  17.C  18.B  19.B  20.D

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


