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2016年06月15日    来源: 自考365   字体:   打印

1.I decided to pay a visit to my former teacher as soon as I _____.

A)finish what I did B)finished what I did C)would finish what I was doing D)finished what I was doing


2.We see the lightning _____ it happens, but we hear the thunder later.

A)the moment B)for the moment C)at the moment D)in a moment


3.Girl _____, she is much naughtier than a boy.

A)although she was B)though she is C)though was she D)although was she


4.——_____ in this street? ——I think Mr.black is the richest man.

A)Whom do you think is the richest man B)Who do you think is the richest man.C)Do you think who is the richest man. D)Do you think whom is the richest man.

答案B)——你认为这条街上更富的人是谁?——我认为 Black 先生是更富有的人。

5. _____ computers are of great benefit to the development of science and technology.

A)The fact is what B)That the fact is C)What the fact is that D)The fact is that


6.Living things are dying out quickly.Let's ask _____ destroying them in the past years.

A)what part people have been playing B)people have playde in C)what part people have been played in D)people have been playing what part


7.No matter how fast we worked, _____.

A)we couldn't catch up with them B)and we couldn't catch up with them

C)so we couldn't catch up with them D)but we couldn't catch up with them


8.The reason why I gave in is _____ if I didn't.

A)because she would be disappointed B)that she would be disappointed

C)because she would be have adisappointment D)for she would be disappointed


主语是reason时,表语从句用that 引导

9.The workers were making so much noise in the workshop, and the boss hurriedly went to see .

A)what the matter was B)what was the wrong C)what wrong was D)what was the matter

答案D) 工人们在车间里的制造了很大的噪音,老板慌忙去看发生了什么事儿。what is/was the matter的语序在任何情况下都不变化,因为what在句中作主语。

10. _____ method you choose, so long as you finish the job on time.

A)It isn't matter to me what B)What doesn't matter is that

C)It doesn't matter to me which D)No matter which


