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2016年11月02日    来源: 自考365整理   字体:   打印


名词复习要点 考试中常涉及到的不可数名词 相关知识点

When you finish reading the book, you will have ______ better understanding of ______ life
A. a; the B. the; a
C. 不填; the D. a; 不填
答案为D. have an understanding of…/理解..; life在句中的意义为“人生”,是不可数名词,前面不能出现冠词。
water, oil, air, sand, wheat, light, snow, wind, weather(climate是数名词), work(job是可数名词), homework, housework, fun, progress(进步) importance, significance, advice, information, news, proof, evidence, word(消息), physics, economics, furniture, success(成功), failure(失败),room(空间), fact, truth, chance(可能性/ have much/little chance to do../of doing..) ①修饰不可数名词常用修饰语: little, a little, a bit of, much, a great deal of, a large/small amount of
②修饰可数名词的常用修饰语有:these, those, few, a few, many, a good [great] many, a great [good] number of;
③有些修饰语既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词:all, some, enough, a lot of, lots of, plenty of , a large/small quantity of
抽象名词后常跟that引导的同位语从句 importance, significance, advice, ideas, fact, truth, news, suggestion, information, proof, evidence, word(消息) 典型试题:
All the evidence pointed to the conclusion ____ he was guilty. (2015/11)
which B. that C. as D. so
倘若空格前面出现了抽象词, 即使抽象词距离空格还可能有些远,只要空格前抽象名词能找见, 选项that通常作为答案是首选;
涉及名词的常考短语 涉及复数名词的短语:
shake hands with 握手
make friends with 与…交朋友
change seats / trains / buses 换坐位/换火车/换汽车
in tears流着泪
in ruins 成为废墟
in pieces 成为碎片
in high spirits情绪高涨
make contributions to对…作出贡献
make preparations for为…作好准备

at the age of: 在…岁时
at the end of: 在…之末
at the beginning of: 在…之初
at the foot of: 在…的脚下
at the speed/price of: 以…的速度/价格
at the same time: 同时
in time: 及时地
on time: 准时地
at night/noon: 在夜晚/在中午
in the morning/afternoon: 在早晨/下午
with the aid/help of:在…的帮助之下
after a while: 过了一会儿
on radio: 通过收音机广播的/在收音机上
on the television:通过电视广播的/在电视上
on the Internet: 通过网络传递信息的/在网络上
by bus/train/plane:乘公共汽车/火车/飞机
by the way: 顺便说一下
on one’s way to: 在某人去往…的路上
in fact:事实上
in reality: 事实上
in public:公开地
in private:私下地
in trouble: 处于困难之中
in order to: 为了
in front of: 在…的前面
in the front of: 在…的前部
in the sun: 在阳光下
in turn: 依次
of course: 当然
on foot: 步行
on the other hand:另一方面
on the left/right: 在左/右边
on Monday/Tuesday: 在星期一/星期二
to one’s surprise: 令某人吃惊地是
in addition: 另外, 此外
in addition to: 除….以外
in advance: 提前
in any case: 无论如何
in brief: 简而言之
in case: 万一, 假如, 以防
in case of: 万一, 假如, 以防
in charge: 负责
in charge of: 负责
in return: 作为报答
in vain: 徒然, 无效
In a hurry: 匆忙地
In a sense:在某种意义上
in a word: 总之
take photos: 照相
take time: 花费时间
take turns: 轮流
take the place of: 代替
take a seat: 就坐
take a shower: 淋浴
take care of: 照顾
take care: 小心, 当心
take one’s temperature: 测量体温
take part in: 参加
go swimming/skating/shopping/fishing/ hunting/camping: 去游泳/溜冰/购物/钓鱼/打猎/露营
make a decision: 作出决定
make a mistake: 犯错误
make progress: 取得进步
make a face: 做鬼脸
make friends with: 与…交朋友
make one’s way: 克服困难前进
make use of: 利用, 使用
make sense: 有意义, 讲得通
make comments on: 对…发表评论
make an attempt to do…:尝试做…
give a demonstration of: 演示
give an account of: 叙述, 解释
break the law: 违反法律
break the record: 打破记录
commit a crime: 犯罪
drop litter:扔垃圾
set an example to sb.: 为某人树立榜样
try one’s best to do: 尽力去做….
do harm/good to 对...有害/有益
do one's best尽力
do some shopping 买东西
do some washing 洗衣服
do some cooking 做饭
do some cleaning 打扫除
have/form a habit of: 有..的习惯/养成了…的习惯
have a good knowledge of: 对…有很好的了解
have no idea of: 对…完全不了解
have a good time: 过得很愉快