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2006年09月14日    来源:   字体:   打印



  advocate  v. speak in favor of (an idea or plan) 拥护;提倡

  auditorium  n. a hall where people sit when listening to or watching a performance  礼堂;讲堂

  context  n. the setting of a word, phrase, etc.  上下文

  dismiss  v. treat as not serious; put away 不予考虑

  essence  n. the most important quality of a thing 精粹;本质

  foremost  a. most important   更重要的

  giggle  v. laugh repeatedly in an uncontrolled manner esp. by young girls 咯咯地笑

  hook  v. attract, catch as if with a hook 引(人)上钩;欺骗

  hug  v. hold (someone) tightly in the arm 紧抱;紧紧拥抱

  hunch  n. idea based on feeling  预感

  illustrate  v. explain  说明;阐明

  lament  v. express sorrow for 悲痛;伤心

  nourish  v. cause to stay alive or grow by giving food, etc 养育;施肥于;供给营养

  nuance  n. a slight delicate quality or difference in meaning, etc. 细微差别

  nurture  v. give care to, educate 养育;培育

  phenomenal  a. very unusual  非凡的;出众的

  proficiency  n. being thoroughly skilled, well practiced 熟练;精通

  promote  v. bring to public notice in order to increase (sales, fame, etc) 宣传;推销(商品等)

  sheepishly  ad. uncomfortably from being fearful of others 局促不安地;恐惧不安地

  spot  v. pick out with the eye; recognize 认出;发现

  stake  n. interest; something that may be gained or lost 利益;利害关系;赌注

  stimulate  v. increase in activity; excite the body or mind 促进;激发;刺激

  subscribe  v. pay regularly to receive a magazine, etc. 订阅;预订

  voracious  a. showing a limitless eagerness for sth. 贪婪的;贪得无厌的

  syndrome  n. (医)综合病症(表现为身体或脑部的紊乱)

  parenting  n. 父母对待子女般的照顾(指要像父母对待子女那样照顾某人)



  aquamarine  n.  bluish green  蓝绿色

  biannual  a.  every two years  一年两次的

  brash  a.  hasty and too bold  轻率的;鲁莽的

  calculate  v.  plan or design  计划,打算

  colourwise  ad.  in connection with colour  与颜色有关地

  compromise  n.  act of settling an argument by taking a middle course acceptable to all sides  妥协,和解

  coordinate  v.  work together, esp. to increase effectiveness  协作;协调

  denim n.  jeans  工装裤;牛仔裤

  diversity  n.  variety  多样性

  docile  a.  easily trained or controlled  容易驯服的;驯顺的,驯良的

  ecru  n.  a pale dull yellowish brown  淡褐色

  eye-dazzling  a.  making unable to see clearly because of too much light or brilliance, etc.  令人眼花缭乱的

  femininity  n.  quality of being suitable for women  女子的气质,女人气

  garishly  ad.  over-colouredly  花花绿绿地;过于花哨地

  intangible  a.  that cannot be touched or grasped  触摸不到的;不可捉摸的

  intensity  n.  strength or depth (of feeling, colour, etc.)  强度;深度

  interior  n.  the inside of a building  内部

  pastel  n.  soft, light, delicate shades of colour  彩色蜡笔

  profusion  n.  abundance, great supply  丰富;大量

  prompt  v.  help to bring ;cause or urge to do sth.  有助于;促使

  reorientate  v.  give different direction or guidance to  再定方向;转而导向

  ruby  n.  red jewel  红宝石

  sans  prep.  without  无,没有

  savannah  n.  treeless, grassy plain in tropical and subtropical America and East and West Africa  (美洲及东非,西非的热带、亚热带)无树平原

  sceptical  a.  unwilling to believe; doubtful  不愿相信的;怀疑的

  secretariat  n.  office of the Secretary-General of a large organization  秘书处

  shade  n.  degree or depth of colour  (色彩的)浓淡

  sizzling  a.  making a hissing sound as if water falling on hot metal  发出咝咝声的

  sophisticated  a.  having or showing a knowledge of social life and behaviour  老于世故的;老练的,非常有经验的

  speculate  v.  think (about a matter ) without facts that would lead to firm result  推测

  subtlety  n.  the quality of being difficult to perceive or describe  微妙,精巧

  succession  n.  the coming of one thing after another in time or order  连续,接续

  surge  n.  forward movement like powerful waves  汹涌,澎湃

  turquoise  n.  greenish blue precious stone  绿松石

  tutelage  n.  guardianship  守护,保护

  unwary  a.  uncautious  粗心大意的;不警惕的

  vermilion  n.  bright red  朱红色

  vibrancy  n.  thrilling, vibrating  活跃;振动

  yuppie  n.  any of those young professionals of 1960‘s variously  regarded as upscale, ambitious, materialistic, etc.  城市职业阶层中的年轻人士,雅皮士

  zeitigeist  n.  the spirit of times  时代精神,时代思潮

  Aegean  a.  爱琴海的

  Day-Glo  a.  狄格洛加色剂的

  neon  n.  氖

  palette  n.  调色板

  psychedelic  a.  引起幻觉的

  pumpkin  n.  南瓜;南瓜色

  textile  n.  纺织品;纺织原料textiles 纺织业

  yarn  n. 纱,线,毛线

  UNIT  19


  awash  a. washed over by the waves  被浪潮冲打的

  cleanse  v. make clean 使清洁

  cluster  v. form a close group  使成群;群集;丛生

  cope  v. manage successfully  妥善处理

  destination  n. place to which sb. or sth. is going or is being sent 目的地

  detergent  n. a chemical product used for cleaning clothing, dishes, etc. 清洁剂

  effluent  n. liquid waste 流出物;液体废物

  endemic  a. (of a disease) found regularly in a particular place (疾病等)地方性的

  filth   disgusting dirt 污物

  flush  v. flow suddenly and freely 奔流;涌

  foul  v. make dirty or impure  弄脏;污染

  gravely  ad. seriously 严肃地

  hazard  n. danger 危险

  infect  v. give a disease to, contaminate 感染

  inhabit  v. live in 居住于

  landlocked  a. almost or entirely surrounded by land 被陆地围住的

  lurk  . exist unseen; wait in hiding 潜伏

  nourish  v. keep alive and well with food to, train, educate, or develop 养育;培养;教养

  outbreak  n. sudden occurrence 爆发

  overestimate  v. have too high an opinion of the degree or number of 过高估计

  periodic  a. happening repeatedly at regular times 间歇的;定期的

  pollute  v. make dirty 污染

  popular  a. favoured by many people 大众喜爱的

  remorseless  a. feeling or showing no sorrow for doing wrong 不懊悔的

  seductive  a. attractive, seemingly enticing 有吸引力的;富有魅力的

  sewage  n. the waste material and water carried in sewers (阴沟里的)污物

  slime  n. soft, nasty, thick, sticky mud 软泥;粘泥

  sluice  v. send a stream of water over 奔流;奔泻

  stifle  v. prevent from happening or continuing 抑制;镇压

  cholera  n.霍乱

  dysentery  n. 痢疾

  lagoon  n. 环礁湖;咸水湖

  paratyphoid  n. 副伤寒

  pesticide  n. 杀虫剂

  plankton  n. 浮游生物

  polio  n. 脊髓灰质炎;小儿麻痹症

  shellfish  n. 水生贝类动物

  typhoid  n.伤害

  viral hepatitis 病毒性肝炎


