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2006年09月14日    来源:   字体:   打印


  Ⅰ。Match the words in Column A with their definition in Column B

  A B

  1.camouflage A person or animal that spends time with another

  2.cessation B move or flow along a closed path

  3.intuitively C directly

  4.prudent D dirty and untidy

  5.companion E way of using coloring which makes it difficult to see or find sth.

  6.overcast F hint

  7.inkling G dark with clouds

  8.circulate H newness; strangeness

  9.scruffy I careful

  10.novelty J short pause or a stop

  Ⅱ。Directions: Read each of the following sentences carefully,and choose A,B,C or D that has the closest meaning to the underlined word or phrases. Blacken the corresponding letter of the answer on your ANSWER SHEET. (10 points,1 point for each)

  11.Let us take the orthodox definition of the word bargain.

  A. generally accepted or approved

  B. generally refused

  C. of the society

  D. worldly

  「 」

  12.We have to go a bit farther back still, and maybe catch them in the act of birth.

  A. in those times

  B. in such a position

  C. while performing the action

  D. at some time in future

  「 」

  13.I hadn‘t seen Astrid for nearly 20 years,but a fellow critic had taken her to be my wife and there was,absurdly,a degree of embarrassment.

  A. regarded sb. as

  B. married sb.

  C. surprised greatly

  D. took sb. away

  「 」

  14.It also predicted that, if current patterns of cigarette smoking continue unchanged, the global death toll from tobacco by the year2025 may increase to eight million deaths per year.

  A. charge for a service

  B. the amount or extent of loss

  C. the number of deaths

  D. a fixed charge

  「 」

  15.Custom software can be said to resemble a bespoke suit,while a package is ‘off the peg’。

  A. a little drunk

  B. ready to wear

  C. already printed

  D. without a pause

  「 」

  16.In giving judgment, Sir Richard, the ViceˉChancellor of the Chancery Division, said the Crown s insistence on a lifelong duty of fidelity for members of the intelligence and security service representˉed “an interference with rights of free expression”。

  A. loyalty B. accuracy

  C. obligation D. confidence

  「 」

  17.“I think, as a layman, people will be bemused and depressed that such a decision could be taken,” he said.

  A. low in spirits B. feel happy

  C. bewildered D. suffered

  「 」

  18.The price of gold, which I take as a0proxy for the prices of all commodities, was $ 35 an ounce in those years.

  A. example B. agent

  C. authority D. person

  「 」

  19.Less exalted members of staff communicate with a telephone called Telephone Aladdin, a network of terminals each equipped with a liquid crystal display large enough to display 11 lines of Japanese text.

  A. excited B. inflated

  C. noble D. lofty

  「 」

  20.A more sophisticated message system called Super Aladdin runs on a network of fullˉsized personal computers.

  A. complicated B. subtle

  C. understandable D. exact

  「 」

  Ⅲ。Directions: Scan Passage 1 and find the words which have roughly the meanings given below. Write the word you choose in the corresponding space on your ANSWER SHEET. (10points, 1point for each)

  Note: The numbers in the brackets refer to the numbers of paragraphs in the passage.

  Passage 1

  21.very ornate; flowery(1)

  22. the intrinsic properties(1)

  23.enchanting; bewitching(1)

  24.in fact(2)

  25.small ships used on the canals of Venice(2)

  26.devise; sketch (2)

  27.A festival marked by merrymaking and feasting during the season just before Lent. (3)

  28.to arouse the interest or curiosity of(3)

  29.having life; living(3)

  30.be skeptical about(3)

  There is a dreamˉlike quality to the essence that is Venice. This magical city with its beautiful buildings, its florid history, its silky liquid streets, brings out the romantics in all who visit.

  Of course, Venice is known for its gondolas, the drama of the Bridge of Sighs, and for the music that fills the air. But there s another side to this most historic of cities. Masks and their many designs are virtually everywhere.

  In every store window, in each narrow alley, the masks of the Carnival intrigue passersby. There is no doubt that the beauty of Venice will call visitors back time and again, but Carnival is the magical occasion when the “masks come alive,” truly winning one s heart and soul.


  Ⅳ。Directions: Skim Passage 2 and read the statements given right after the passage and judge whether they are True or False. Blacken the corresponding answer you choose on your ANSWER SHEET. (10 points, 1 point for each)

  Passage 2

  Since the first Carnival was held in the 11th century, costumes and masks have been a prominent feature in Venice and were frequently worn year round. A decree in the 1600s restricted their use to official banquets and the Carnival period. Unfortunately, as the years passed, the festival fell into decline. Happily, it was enthusiastically revived in 1979.

  Venice Carnival is now one of Europe s biggest and most popular festivals,an exciting time when parties and balls are plentiful and colourful masks and gorgeous costumes dominate the 10ˉday period preceding Lent. Venetians and tourists of all ages adorn themselves in works of art as they participate in the merriment.

  Today‘s masks skillfully reflect the culture and traditions of the early Venetians with contemporary artistry that can range form the intricately beautiful to intriguingly bizarre. One may gaze at revelers lustrous bronze and silver painted masks,or marvel at the jewels and glitter of other wizard-like creations. Ruby red lips and dark hollow eyes offer a delightful contrast for those who prefer the white facade of the mime.

  31.The first Carnival was celebrated in the 13th century.

  32.The Carnival was ceased celebrating several centuries.

  33.The Carnival was ceased celebrating because no one was interested in it.

  34.Venice Carnival is now one of world s biggest and most popular festivals.

  35.The celebration lasted at last ten days.

  36.Venice Carnival is the festival of young people.

  37.People wear masks and colorful dresses at the party.

  38.Today s masks skillfully reflect the culture and traditions of the early Venetians.

  39.Everyone portrayed themselves in particular way.

  40.Those people prefer the white color.

  Ⅴ。Directions: Read Passages 3 and 4 and choose the correct answer. Blacken the corresponding letter of the answer on your ANSWER SHEET.(20 points, 1 point for each)

  Passage 3

  Ideas about education are changing in the United States. Education today is not just a high school diploma or a college degree. Many adults are not interested in going to college. They are interested in other kinds of learning. For them, learning does not end with a diploma.

  Continuing education gives these adults the opportunity to increase their knowledge about their own field or to learn about a new field. It also gives them a chance to improve their old skills or to learn new ones.

  Secretaries, mechanics, and barbers can take classes to improve their work skills. Nurses can take classes to increase their knowledge of nursing. If they know more or learn more, then they can get a better job or earn more money.

  Continuing education classes give some adults the chance to learn new skills. There is usually a large variety of classes to choose from, typing, foreign cooking, photography, auto re pair, furniture repair, or swimming. These are only some of the classes available.

  Some adults take classes for fun or because the class will be useful for them. For example, they can choose a class in almost any language, Chinese, Spanish or English as a second language. There are classes in first aid or classes in sewing. There are also many other types of classes to choose from.

  Other adults take continuing education classes to improve their own lives because they want to feel better about themselves. Overweight people can find exercise classes or classes in nutrition. Others can learn how to be good parents, or how to get along with other people.

  There are many opportunities for adults to continue their learning. Almost any community college or public school system has a continuing education program. There are classes in schools, community buildings, or churches. Most classes are in the evening, so working people can attend. The classes are usually small, and they are inexpensive.

  Thousands of people register for continuing education classes each year. They receive no diploma or certificate, and no grade for most of the classes they attend. For them, learning is something they do because they want to.

  41. Some adults go to continuing education classes to

  A. get a college education

  B. learn new skills

  C. get a certificate

  D. earn grades

  「 」

  42. Attending continuing education classes .

  A. does not cost much money

  B. is expensive

  C. requires a loan

  D. is free of charge

  「 」

  43. What s the main idea of Para. 7?

  A. Adults can continue their learning.

  B. Most continuing education classes are in the evening.

  C. Adults have many opportunities to continue their learning.

  D. Classes are held for working people.

  「 」

  44. Lots of people attend continuing education classes because

  A. the classes will help them feel better about themselves

  B. there are many courses they can choose from

  C. they can also go to church at the same time

  D. learning is something they are interested in doing

  「 」

  45. We can learn from the passage that .

  A. college education is not important

  B. adult education is very popular

  C. other kinds of learning are more important than school learning

  D. continuing education classes teach the same courses that are taught in colleges

  「 」

  46. This passage could be entitled .

  A. Adult Education in the U.S.

  B. Continuing Education

  C. Ideas about Education

  D. Education And Diploma

  「 」

  47. The main purpose of continuing education is .

  A. to increase their knowledge about their field.

  B. to improve their old skills

  C. to learn new skills

  D. all of the above

  「 」

  48.Ideas about education today are .

  A. to end up with a diploma.

  B. to refresh themselves

  C. to get a better job.

  D. To earn more money

  「 」

  49.What does the word of certificate (para.8) here mean?

  A. a document issued to a person

  B. an identification

  C. a recommendation

  D. a notice.

  「 」

  50.What does the author s attitude toward the continuing education?

  A. positive B. negative

  C. supportive D. object to

  「 」

  Passage 4

  English is now the international language for airline pilots, scientists, medical experts, businessmen and many others. Consequently, more and more people are learning it. The BBC s English teaching radio programmers are broadcast daily to four continents and supplied to radio stations in 120 countries. Films and video are on the air or used in institutions in over 100 countries. All this helps to add more speakers to the estimated 100 million who use English as a second language. The rush to learn English has reached even China. The main reason for the upsurge in interest is the recent increase in China s contacts with the outside world.

  Unlike many other widely used languages, English can be correctly used in very simple form with less than one thousand basic words and very few grammatical rules. This was pointed out in the 1920 s by two Cambridge cholars, Ogden and Richards, who devised a system called “Basic English”。 Another reason for the popularity of English is that English-speaking countries are spread throughout the world. An estimated 310 million people in Britain. U.S.A., Canada, Australia, South Africa, etc. use English as their mother tongue. Also in former British colonial areas in Africa and Asia where many local languages are spoken, no common language has been found which would make a suitable substitute for English.

  In Delhi, although nationalists would prefer to phase out the use of English, the man from South India finds English more acceptable than Hindi, while the northerner prefers English to any of the southern languages. Turning from India to Africa, a similar problem exists. However reluctant African nations are to use English and, as it were, subject themselves to a kind of “cultural imperialism”,there seems to be no alternative language which will do the job of communication effectively.

  The view that spreading the use of English is entirely beneficial has its opponents. Some teachers who have returned from overseas consider it creates a wider gap between those who are educated and those who have little or no education. Nevertheless, in many parts of the world, the technical and scientific knowledge needed to develop a country s resources and improve people s living conditions,is just not available in the mother tongue. A second language opens the door to the worldˉwide sharing of skills and discoveries in science, engineering and medicine.

  As for the future, it seems certain that English in one form or another will be spoken by far more people than it is today. It will doubtless continue to change and develop as a living language always does.

  51.Why do many 3rd World people oppose the use of English in their countries?

  A. They consider it a form of cultural imperialism.

  B. The English language has produced racism.

  C. Other languages are easier to learn.

  D. They oppose modernization in general.

  「 」

  52.The growing interest in English among the Chinese people is due to.

  A. China s opening up to the outside world

  B. their intelligence and industry

  C. the skill of foreign teachers

  D. all of the above

  「 」

  53.The linguistic conditions of Africa and India as presented in this passage.

  A. bear no relation to one another

  B. reflect basic cultural differences

  C. are basically the same

  D. are fundamentally opposite

  「 」

  54.The spreading use of English is .

  A. entirely beneficial

  B. largely accidental

  C. of debatable value to developing nations

  D. both a and c

  「 」

  55. Possible dangers from the spread of English to developing countries include all of the following except .

  A. industrial sabotage

  B. deepening class divisions

  C. cultural imperialism

  D. diverting attention from the plight of the impoverished masses

  「 」

  56.Developing countries value English primarily as .

  A. a form of entertainment

  B. a means of acquiring scientific knowledge

  C. a surveillance device

  D. a source of cultural unity

  「 」

  57.The author s view of the spread of English is .

  A. positive B. negative

  C. neutral D. repressed

  「 」

  58.This passage could be entitled .

  A. Basic English

  B. The International Language

  C. English As a Second Language

  D. English Worldˉwide

  「 」

  59.It is easy for learners to learn English, because .

  A. Learners like it.

  B. English is widely beneficial in the world.

  C. English can be correctly used in very simple way.

  D. English can be correctly used in very simple way.

  「 」

  60.According to the passage, English is more popular in that

  A. English speakers are greater in number

  B. English is spoken by different people in more parts of the world.

  C. English is richer and more expressive than other languages.

  D. English usage is developing much faster than that of

  other languages.

  「 」

  Ⅵ。Directions: passage 5 is taken from the TEXTBOOK. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer. Blacken the corresponding letter of the answer on your ANSWER SHEET. (10points, 1 point for each)

  1.Since their first appearance on earth, men have gathered information and have attempted to pass useful ideas to other men. The carving of word-pictures on the walls of ancient caves as well as hieroglyphics on stone tablets represent some of men s earliest efforts to convey information. Scenes of hunting, maps of battles, and the stories of heroes were put down for all to see.

  2.Homing pigeons can be taken hundred of miles from their home. When they are let go to fly again, they find their way home. Because of this special ability to find home, pigeons have been used as messengers for hundreds of years. Today people even keep homing pigeons for racing as a sport. The birds are shipped to some chosen places a few hundred miles away. Then all of them are let go together. The winner is the bird that goes home first. A good racer can make it home 500 miles away in a single day.

  3.While Leonov was outside the ship, he kept in touch by telephone with his companion and with the earth. He opened the shutter of the movie camera, which made a record of what he did and saw. When the signal was given for him to return to the ship, he was enjoying the cosmos so much that ha was disappointed to have to stop his wandering so soon.

  4.Many preˉpacked goods contain too much sugar and we would all benefit by avoiding these, but most tinned, processed and dried foods contain useful amounts of fat, protein, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals.

  5.To be able to afford these items and still have money left for nonessentials such as travel and entertainment, most families find themselves economizing and watching their pennies.

  6.The result is that the Mediterranean, which nurtured so many civilizations, is gravely ill—the first of seas to fall victim to the abilities and attitudes that evolved around it. And the pollution does not merely stifle the life of the sea—it threatens the people who inhabit and visit its shores.

  7.The other senses are also yielding to engineering ingenuity. Following on the success of cochlear implants, which convert sound into impulses that go to the brain, US scientists are testing an artificial eye that does much the same with light.

  8.During the subsequent lull in hunting, the seal number made a good, allthough temporary, recovery. By the time the US bought Alaska from Russia in 1867, the seal herd had increased to around 2.5 million. This recovery resulted in a revival of hunting on the islands and at; however, fur hunters from around the world shot at the animals indiscriminately, killing even pregnant and nursing females, and once again the species neared extinction.

  9.A socialist country with a socialist market economy like China must adopt the exchange control so that the receipt of foreign currency earned by selling goods and services overseas and repatriation of assets from abroad all go into the “national pool” and the drawings upon this pool for the important of goods and services, the export of capital and other purposes are kept within bounds.

  10.In prehistoric times, people form Africa and Asia migrated to other continents. Europe was occupied by people from the east, America by groups from Asia. In the 19th century, the population of Europe increased rapidly, and living conditions were sometimes difficult because of wars, famines, or political conditions. Many Europeans left their countries to find better conditions in America, Africa and Australia.

  61.People in ancient time carved wordˉpictures on walls or stones because .

  A. they wanted to invent a writing system

  B. they were appreciated at their drawing ability

  C. they tried to communicate with others

  D. they wanted to tell all others what they did

  「 」

  62.The reason why people raise pigeons nowadays should be.

  A. people raise pigeons for pleasure

  B. people raise pigeons for sport racing

  C. people raise pigeons for eating

  D. people raise pigeons for sending messages

  「 」

  63.When Leonov was given a signal to return back to the spaceship, which of the following words will best describe his feelings?

  A. excited B. regretful

  C. angry D. disappointed

  「 」

  64.The word “fat” in paragraph 4 is best described as.

  A. rich B. flesh

  C. thick D. oily substance

  「 」

  65.In paragraph 5, “watch their pennies” means:

  A. to keep their money from spending carelessly.

  B. to be wise and careful in small sums of money.

  C. to hold their money tightly.

  D. to make a good bargain.

  「 」

  66.In para. 6, “ the first of seas to fall victim to the abilities and attitudes that revolved around it” suggest that

  A.the pollution threatens the inhabitants and visitors

  B. the Mediterranean nurtures many civilizations

  C. thorough highly developed, countries around the Mediterranean didn‘t pay enough attention to the pollution,which did harm to the sea and people around it.

  D. The sea is gravely ill because of the abilities and attitudes of its people

  「 」

  67.What the meaning of the under lined sentence?

  A.Engineering ingenuity is more powerful than the senses.

  B. Our human beings senses can promote the engineering ingenuity.

  C. Engineering ingenuity can manufacture sth that can imitate human beings senses.

  D. The other people can also feel the achievement of engineering ingenuity.

  「 」

  68.What is the main idea of para. 8?

  A. The recovery of the seal population made the matter even worse.

  B. It didn‘t take long to recover the number of the seals.

  C. The hunters killed every seal they could find.

  D. The hunters were allowed to kill pregnant and nursing seals since they reproduced so fast.

  「 」

  69.Why does China have to adopt the exchange control?

  A. Because China is a developing country with a socialist market economy.

  B. Because by this way, China can make full use of its foreign currency resources.

  C. Because to adopt the exchange control helps earn more money.

  D. Because it is necessary to limit the imports and the exports.

  「 」

  70.In the 19th century, many Europeans left their countries to America,Africa and Australia because .

  A. they disliked the political system at that time

  B. they could have a better life in other continents

  C. they wished to make a fortune elsewhere

  D. the government forced them to leave

  「 」

  Ⅶ。Directions: The following questions are closely related to Passage 5. Write a brief answer (one to three complete sentences) to each of the questions on your ANSWER SHEET. Pay attention to the words, grammar and sentence structure in your answers.(15points, 3points for each)

  71.Why dose the author say that your blood is a vital part of your body?

  72.Why is it important to have scientific stations in space?

  73.How did primitive men convey information?

  74.Why do placebo pills sometimes work for some patients?

  75.What do you think is the most important thing parents can do for their children?

  Ⅷ。Directions: Translate the following sentences (taken from Passage 5) into Chinese

  76.By finding which mixtures do this and which do not, the technician can figure out your blood type.

  77.Life aboard manned space stations won t be as exciting as we might suppose. It will probably be comparable to the life people lead aboard deep-sea oil rigs.

  78.Regardless of their direction or form, computer developments and uses of the future will depend upon the cleverness and skill of men.

  79.This new sophistication may, perhaps, hold the key for the future of color.

  80.Weak coastal currents keep sewage and industrial waste close to the shore and gently spin floating oil and tar towards the beaches.

  参 考 答 案

  Ⅰ。1.E 2.J 3.C 4.I 5.A 6.G 7.F 8.B 9.D 10.H

  Ⅱ。11.A 12.C 13.A 14.A 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.A 19.D 20.A

  Ⅲ。Passage 1

  21.florid 22.essence 23.magical 24.virtually 25.goudolas 26.design

  27.Carnival 28.intrigue 29.alive 30.doubt

  Ⅳ。Passage 2

  31.F 32.T 33.F 34.F 35.T 36.F 37.T 38.T 39. T 40.F

  Ⅴ。Passage 3 & Passage 4

  41.B 42.A 43.C 44.D 45.B 46.A 47.D 48.B 49.A 50.C

  51.A 52.A 53.C 54.C 55.A 56.B 57.A 58.D 59.D 60.A

  Ⅵ。Passage 5

  61.C 62.B 63.D 64.D 65.A 66.C 67.C 68.A 69.B 70.B

  Ⅶ。Brief Answers:

  71.Blood id very important because it picks up oxygen in your lungs and carries it to your cells, which use the oxygen to produce energy. It carries wastes away from your cells.

  72.Scientific stations can provide ideal conditions and observation is much more precise beyond the atmosphere.

  73.Primitive men conveyed information by carving word-pictures on walls of ancient caves as well as hieroglyphics on stone tables.

  74.This can be explained according to modern psychology because many of us react favorably to any kinks of interest taken in our problems and derive as much benefit from that as we would from a medical drug. It is “mind over matter” philosophy.

  75.The most important thing parents can do for their children is making them in the habit of reading by themselves.






  80.海流很弱, 这使得 污水和工业废物滞留在靠近岸边的地方,然后海水就轻轻地将浮在水面的 油和沥青涌向海滩。


