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2007年06月29日    来源:   字体:   打印

  第十三节   with复合结构


  He sat with his arms clasped round his knees.    (名词+过去分词短语)    他双臂抱膝坐在那里。

  With the stock market falling, the prospect of Asian economy is bleak.   (名词+现在分词)股市下跌,亚洲经济前景暗淡。

  With nothing to do, I went on a round of the bookshops.   (名词+不定式)  手头无事可做,我就去逛书店。

  He was lying in bed with his clothes on.    (名词+副词)    他穿着衣服躺在床上。

  They stood with their backs to the wall.   (名词+介词短语)    他们背朝墙站着。



  Is that the house with the policeman standing outside ?   (定语) 是不是外面有警察站岗的那座房子?

  She put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle. 她把一张写有姓名和地址的纸放人一只瓶子里。(定语)

  One of the fluids flows through the outside pipe, the other through the inside pipe, with heat excange taking place through the wall.  (伴随状语)    其中一个流体走外管,另体走内管,而热交换通过管壁进行。

  With the weather as close as this, ten to one it will rain presently.   (原因状语)    天气这么闷,十有八九要下雨。

  They work with the lamp lighted.   (伴随状语)    他们亮着灯工作。

  In gases, the particles are far apart, with empty space in between.  (方式状语)    体中粒子相互隔开,其间有空隙。

  With our foreign trade expading at such a tempo, the question is indeed to find enough hands to fill the jobs.   (条件状语)    如果我们的对外贸易以这样的速度发展的话,问题确实是要能找到足够的人手来干这些工作。

  He worked from morning till night, with little to eat and only a tiny place to live in.  (方式状语)    他从早干到晚,没有吃的,住的地方也很狭窄。

  Even with conditions unfavourable, they would succeed.     (= Even if conditions were

  unfavourable, ……)   (让步状语)    即使条件不利,他们也会成功。


